If 2020 showed us anything, it’s that those who rolled with the surprising punches and were still able to successfully manage association business were the ones who already embraced technology. Converting your associations over to a new system for interacting with board members and homeowners may seem intimidating, but have you considered what the costs might be if you don’t invest in the tools your business needs?
The Cost of Not Investing in Tech
With the recent pandemic, the use of up-to-date software systems has been one of the largest predictors of whether or not community association management businesses were able to meet their associations’ needs. Those who had modern tech systems in place were able to communicate fast and keep everyday tasks on track like maintenance and architectural reviews, even when in-person interactions were limited. Since they already had the technology they needed in place, the flow of information, meetings, and notifications were able to continue without disruption. Those who relied on manual, paper-based processes likely found it much more difficult to continue providing excellent service to board members and homeowners.
It can be hard to imagine making a major shift to new software, but management companies who don’t find scalable, mobile-friendly technology may soon fall even more behind.
Are Your Boards Set Up for Long-Term Success?
If you choose to stick with manual processes, will board members today and years from now still be able to operate efficiently? Instead of holding them back with outdated processes, give them the tools they need to create a better community association.
Board members need the right set of tools and resources to provide leadership for their communities. Homeowners may be interested in becoming a board member to work toward a better tomorrow, but if participating as a leader on the board requires time-consuming and frustrating paper-based processes, they might not have the time or willingness to serve.
Tech tools also help improve efficiency so your board can spend less time on busy work and get more time back to spend with their families, hobbies, and careers. Look for a modern software provider who continues to innovate, and understands the evolving needs of the community association market, to ensure you have the tools to provide the best service.
Long-term success may mean executing a change now to avoid passing down cumbersome tasks and steps to future boards. It may mean putting new software in place to reap the benefits down the line. Or it may mean providing greater flexibility and creating a more nimble board now by adapting technologically-enhanced processes.
Serving your association requires equipping homeowners, and the boards who represent them, to make decisions, share information, and collaborate to build a better community for the future. Learn more about how you can start building in cost saving efficiencies and reducing time-consuming tasks by using modern, innovative community association management software.
Beth Gilbert is the Sr. Director of the Community Association Market at AppFolio and its all-in-one association management software. Beth brings over 15 years of product experience to AppFolio and is currently responsible for developing the vision and strategy for the association market. She is passionate about building relationships with customers to learn about new ways to partner in the success of their businesses. You can read Beth’s articles in various association management publications, and join her in webinars where she is often joined by industry experts to discuss a variety of topics.